A Summary of 2019

If I summarised my year it would definitely be one full of running. My greatest accomplishments have been completing not one but TWO half marathons (so technically you could say I ran a marathon). The Guernsey Dairy Milk Run and the Bournemouth half marathon. Training required so much more effort than I first thought as it was quite a challenge but it taught me a lot (and the medals were worth it, along with free t-shirts).

Working in a zero waste shop has been extremely fulfilling. I've never really had a 'dream job' in mind but I'd say it's been the job I didn't expect to get the opportunity to have and love this much. Having conversations about going plastic free, and seeing people of all ages shopping and chatting too has been awesome. It took me a while to get used to standing up all day, the physical aspects like lifting heavy boxes and bags of bulk products but it has been an absolute highlight of 2019, and I hope something to still look forward to for an even better 2020.

We all know how much the environment has been in the news and the topic we have all been discussing, and watching on TV, but with this comes a huge sadness. The Seven Worlds One Planet series with David Attenborough was a joy to watch with a cup of tea in hand and snuggled under a blanket, but when the news came of the death of the last Sumatran Rhino shortly after the program aired I couldn't help but feel weighted down with the news. That our actions have consequences of such huge scale to cause extinction of yet another important creature.

I don't want to be negative here, but this is the truth of our current situation, which is why it is so so important we keep talking about the world, the animals and climate change issues so we can each play our little part which makes a bigger impact. This year I really have felt like every plastic swap I have made, or seen someone else make, has created demand for these alternatives. The schools strikes is a great example, young people in Guernsey and all around the globe striking for the future of our planet has been inspirational and it was heartwarming to take part.

Although I have always loved nature, this year I have a new respect for it, and I have been more interested than ever before. Visiting the bird hide just down the road to watch the ducks, moorhens, herons and marsh harriers, really loving the Island I live on whilst running in the Summer and discovering new lanes and routes. I'm excited to discover and embrace more.

What does 2020 look like for Sara?

I am disappointed in myself with the lack of reading, so I am determined to really try much harder to complete this never ending list of books I want to read. 

Blogging is something I really love to do but don't do enough of. With more of a clear idea of the things I would like to write about, I'm aiming to post a lot more. Especially about plastic free swaps, tips and tricks to making it easier to ditch the disposable plastics.

MORE running? Yes, that's right... another half marathon is on the cards.

I've been vegetarian for two years and whilst I found it a struggle to start with I would never go back to eating meat. I am going to aim to try more vegan foods, and cook vegan when making things myself. Changing diet cold turkey (excuse the pun) would definitely be too difficult and I want to be able to cut certain foods out gradually, and find alternatives if necessary. 

Digital detox - Anyone else just find themselves endlessly scrolling through social media and realise you just wasted half an hour when you could have been doing something far more productive? We spend so much time scrolling and we need to look up. I have tried an offline 48 challenge which was pretty hard, and I would love to try more of these and become less addicted to my phone.

Sustainable fashion is something I am only just dipping my toes into. Realising the consequences of fast fashion, how much of an impact the fashion industry has on our climate and that I really don't need to buy brand new clothes. This year I would like to understand this topic in more depth, and share with others the importance of buying secondhand, swapping clothes with others and fixing what we have.


I hope you have had a fantastic year in 2019, and the new year and decade brings you lots of happiness.

(Totally irrelevant photo as I couldn't choose just one image to suit the whole blog post. It was a high tide sunset at the beach across the road. Bliss.)



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